Making the Decision

We are all very familiar, and even jealous, of those stories seen in magazines, on blogs, and in many financial self-help books:
"We paid off our mortgage in only five years!"
"Bye-bye student loans in just three years!"
"We are debt-free and finally living life!"
And then the dreaded words at the end of each article:
"Anyone can do it if they choose to."
Ha! we think.  I wish.  Maybe in a dream world if everything were perfect but right now X, Y, and Z would surely stand in my way.

Well, I just don't believe that's true.  I do believe that anyone can do it and with that, I have chosen to be anyone.  This is the beginning of that journey, chock full of obstacles, to become debt-free.  After discussions of reality and hard facts with my husband, we have made the decisions and chosen the date.

We will be debt-free by Tuesday, January 10th, 2017.

That gives us three whole years to pay of everything from credit cards to student loans and even to be without a mortgage.  It sounds impossible, but we know it's not.  Will it be easy?  Definitely not. But we have chosen to make it a priority.  We have made the decision and now nothing can stop us.

As a stay-at-home mother, I want to play as big a role in this process as I can.  I have a few alternative income sources which, though small, can make a major impact.  I also love living frugally, though I have been lax lately in this department.  I used to keep a blog about frugal living called TheNorthForty which can still be viewed for resources, but this blog isn't going to solely focus on tips or tricks, but rather I will keep it as a journal for me to stay on track and keep my mind focused on the big goal ahead. 

I may share some techniques or recipes to help myself, and maybe even you, the reader, along the way.  I may also use this to own up to my problem areas as well as boast in my successes.  This is not really a blog about an entire family journey, but rather just my personal log for the ways in which I can contribute

If you are joining me on this journey, I truly hope that we can help one another along the way.  So pick your Tuesday and let's get debt-free!

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